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[Lua]Убираем требование кораллов для навыков Моряка/Покорителя морей


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В skillinfo.txt заменить навыки покорителя морей на 

0213	Tornado	1	4,10;16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	211,2	1	1	1	800	4	1	0	0	0	0	0	SkillSp_Jf	0	0	0	0	Skill_Jf_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Jf	1	1	12	-1	100	-1	272	0	0	0,0	0,0	0	-1	-1	0	0	101	-1	273	0	0	0	s0213.tga	0	0	Equip Wind Coral to twirl target up into the air	Duration of 3.5s at Level 1. Requires Wind Coral to be equipped. Increases duration by 0.5s per skill level	Consumes 27 SP at Level 1. Increases by 2 SP per skill level	0
0214	Lightning Bolt	1	4,10;16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	210,1	1	1	1	800	4	1	0	0	0	0	0	SkillSp_Lj	0	0	0	0	Skill_Lj_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Lj	1	1	12	-1	102	2	269	0	0	0,0	0,0	0	-1	-1	0	0	103	-1	270	0	0	0	s0214.tga	0	0	Equip Thunder Coral to strike target with lightning	Damage is determined by skill level and Spirit. Requires Thunder Coral to be equiped	Consumes 27 SP at Level 1. Increases by 2 SP per skill level	0
0215	Entanglement	1	4,10;16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	213,5	1	2	2	800	4	1	0	0	0	0	0	SkillSp_Hzcr	0	0	0	0	Skill_Hzcr_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Hzcr	1	1	7	0	104	-1	275	0	0	0,0	0,0	0	-1	-1	0	0	105	-1	276	0	0	0	s0215.tga	0	0	Uses seaweed to bind and damage target	Deals target 5 damage per sec over 6s. Increases damage by 1 point and duration by 2s per skill level	Consumes 21 SP at Level 1. Increases by 1 SP per skill level	0
0216	Conch Ray	1	16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	212,5	1	1	1	600	4	2	0	0	1	0	0	SkillSp_Bkcj	0	0	SkillArea_Line_Bkcj	0	Skill_Bkcj_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Bkcj	1	1	13	0	106	6,-1	265,266	0,0	0	0,0	0,0	0	-1	-1	0	0	107	2	267	0	0	0	s0216.tga	0	0	Uses Strike Coral to damage targets in a straight line	Damage is determined by skill level and Spirit. Requires Strike Coral to be equipped	Consumes 23 SP at Level 1. Increases by 3 SP per skill level	0
0217	Tail Wind	1	16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	1	-1	213,4	1	2	2	0	2	2	0	0	3	0	0	SkillSp_Sf	0	0	SkillArea_Circle_Sf	0	Skill_Sf_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Sf	1	1	12	0	108	-1	285	0	0	247,0	0,0	-1	-1	-1	0	0	-1	-1	286	0	0	0	s0217.tga	0	0	Uses Wind Coral to summon wind to boost sailing speed of ships in an area	Requires Wind Coral to be equipped	Consumes 23 SP at Level 1. Increases by 3 SP per skill level	0
0218	Whirlpool	1	16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	217,4	1	2	2	1000	5	2	0	0	3	0	SkillArea_State_Xw	SkillSp_Xw	0	0	SkillArea_Circle_Xw	0	Skill_Xw_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Xw	1	1	12	0	110	-1	278	0	0	247,0	0,0	-1	-1	-1	0	0	111	-1	0	0	279	0	s0218.tga	0	0	Creates a whirlpool to decrease movement speed of hostile ships within range	Effect increases with each level	Consumes 21 SP at Level 1. Increases by 1 SP per skill level	0
0219	Fog	1	16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	217,2	1	2	2	800	4	2	0	0	3	0	SkillArea_State_Mw	SkillSp_Mw	0	0	SkillArea_Circle_Mw	0	Skill_Mw_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Mw	1	1	12	0	112	-1	281	0	0	247,0	0,0	-1	-1	-1	0	0	-1	-1	282	0	0	0	s0219.tga	0	0	Uses Fog Coral to decrease attack of enemies within range	Requires Fog Coral to be equipped	Consumes 21 SP at Level 1. Increases by 1 SP per skill level	0
0220	Lightning Curtain	1	16,10	1,-1	1,-1	1,-1	-1	2	1	0	-1	214,8	1	2	3	600	4	2	0	0	3	0	SkillArea_State_Lm	SkillSp_Lm	0	0	SkillArea_Circle_Lm	0	Skill_Lm_End	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	SkillCooldown_Lm	1	1	12	0	114	-1	288	0	0	247,0	0,0	-1	-1	-1	0	0	115	-1	289	0	290	0	s0220.tga	0	0	Uses Thunder Coral to create a thunderstorm that damages targets in range	Effect increases with each level. Requires Thunder Coral to be equipped	Consumes 21 SP at Level 1. Increases by 1 SP per skill level	0


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